
Political Monitoring - 26 January 2024 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.23/01/2024 | Commission de l'Environnement et du Climat | Commissie voor Leefmilieu and Klimaat | Page 1 Question de Mr. Senesael à Mme Khattabi sur "L'autorisation de l'utilisation du glyphosate" Vraag van Mr. Senesael Mw. Khattabi over…
Political Monitoring - 30 November 2023 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.16/11/2023 | Séance Plénière | Plenumvergadering | Page 8 Question de Mme Laveleye à Mr Clarinval sur "Les pesticides contenant des PFAS" Vraag van Mv. Laveleye aan M. Clarinval over "PFAS in gewasbeschermingsmiddelen" Parlement de…
Political Monitoring - 30 October 2023 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.03/10/2023 | Commissie voor Energie, Leefmilieu en Klimaat | Page 1 Samengevoegde vragen van Kurt Ravyts, Daniel Senesael en Greet Daems aan Vincent Van Quickenborne over "diepzeemijnbouw" Question jointes de Kurt Ravyts, Daniel Senesael…
Political Monitoring - 28 September 2023 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.19/07/2023 | Commissie voor Energie, Leefmilieu en Klimaat | Page 7 Vraag van Kurt Ravyts aan Zakia Khattabi over " het voorstel van Europese Commissie om de vergunning van glyfosaat met 10 jaar te verlengen " Question de Kurt Ravyts à…
Discover the latest political discussions on biodiversity issues in the Belgian and European parliaments. Political Monitoring - 24 August 2023 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.19/07/2023 | Plenaire vergadering | Séance plénière | Page 1 Proposition déposée par/Voorstel ingediend door: Greet Daems, Thierry…
The UHasselt international office and VZW Students for Energy in Africa (S.E.A.) invite you to their seminar evening 'North-South | together for a sustainable world' on Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 7 PM at Campus Hasselt
 "Why does nature matter to businesses, industries and others sectors? What are the opportunities, and how are businesses and others sectors responding? How can we mainstream nature-related risks indecision-making? What insights can we glean about analysing and managing risks related to nature degradation?"
Post 2020 biodiversity Framework
the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support will facilitate informal conversations to bring forward the topic of Resource Mobilization for Biodiversity and set the foundation of an ambitious Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework across an online webinar.
This year, we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Habitats Directive, Europe’s historical key legal instrument in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. In the past three decades, much has been achieved for biodiversity in Europe, but much more need to be done. The European Commission recently developed criteria and guidance to reach the 30×30 target of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, in line with the global targets proposed to the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and with the objectives of the Bern Convention.
Ressources naturelles et résistances

Quels défis se posent dans la ruée sur les ressources naturelles? Comment se présentent les conflits d’intérêts entre différents acteurs? Et quelles formes de résistances émergent suite à ces conflits? Ce cycle de quatre conférences vous plonge dans des réflexions profondes autour de ces dynamiques