
Aujourd'hui à Agadir (Maroc), le Conseil international de coordination du Programme de l' UNESCO sur l'homme et la biosphère a décidé de reconnaître la KempenBroek comme réserve de biosphère transfrontalière . La KempenBroek devient ainsi la première zone de biosphère transfrontalière de l'UNESCO…
Informal webinar organized by the CBD Secretariat
Join the virtual segment to provide science-based input for nature ahead of COP15.
The consequences of climate change are increasingly felt across the world. Nature-based solutions, which consists of using natural resources to tackle environmental challenges, have an enormous (and still relatively unexplored) potential to reduce the impact of such disasters, while simultaneously providing environmental, social, and economic benefits and helping build resilience.

The historic Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has led the way to a new era of global cooperation on biodiversity conservation. 


The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the

During this event, MEP Martin Hojsík will present the recently published report Stolen Wildlife