
Post 2020 biodiversity Framework
the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support will facilitate informal conversations to bring forward the topic of Resource Mobilization for Biodiversity and set the foundation of an ambitious Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework across an online webinar.
This year, we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Habitats Directive, Europe’s historical key legal instrument in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. In the past three decades, much has been achieved for biodiversity in Europe, but much more need to be done. The European Commission recently developed criteria and guidance to reach the 30×30 target of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, in line with the global targets proposed to the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and with the objectives of the Bern Convention.
Ressources naturelles et résistances

Quels défis se posent dans la ruée sur les ressources naturelles? Comment se présentent les conflits d’intérêts entre différents acteurs? Et quelles formes de résistances émergent suite à ces conflits? Ce cycle de quatre conférences vous plonge dans des réflexions profondes autour de ces dynamiques

The update of the National Biodiversity Strategy aims to align Belgium’s goals with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030. It is a significant step towards enhancing our commitment to biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use

Explore the role sustainable trade could take within the post-2020 GBF and its implementation.
Webinar 4 will explore ‘WTO initiatives on environment & sustainable development: windows of opportunity for biodiversity’ and will provide an update on the state of play on environment-related discussions at the WTO, including new initiatives on environment and sustainable development. It focuses on exploring the opportunities these discussions and initiatives can offer in the intersection of trade, SDGs and the global biodiversity agenda.

In a world where all societal and scientific challenges are intertwined, it is urgent to launch multidisciplinary initiatives and projects so that scientists from different domains can collaborate. In order to carry out multidisciplinary projects, it becomes essential to develop gateways between


From 17 to 19 juin 2024 the Belgian focal point for the CHM is organising a network meeting with 9 francophone African partner countries.

Participants will discuss:

  • the development of their national CHMs since 2022
  • COP15, SBSTTA 25 and 26 and SBI 4 decision that will have an impact on their
Announcement of the event
The IUCN European Regional Office cordially invites you to the 5th appointment of the Nature O’Clock webinar series!

The Botanical Garden Meise organises a day activity with a scientific and a family part, in other words partners and children (young and old) are also welcome.

For the scientific part, a number of lectures about the thematic of coffee are planned. Strong coffee! is also the theme of the