

La conservation in situ, l'utilisation durable de la diversité biologique et le partage juste et équitable des avantages résultant de l'utilisation des ressources génétiques dépendent du maintien en bon état d'un nombre suffisant d’habitats naturels. L’établissement d’aires protégées

You will find all projects tht were selected under the CHM reinforcement call 2014 with links to their results on the their national CHMs in this folder.

This years call received a total of 12 proposals from 6 countries. Not all proposals could be accepted due to the limited available ressources. Below you will find an overview of the accepted projects.

A total of 7 projects from 5 countries were received for this call. It was decided that each country would receive a grant. 5 grants were awarded to the following countries: Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Madagascar and Niger. More information on the different projects can be found below.

Five partner countries submitted a toal of six project proposals for this call.  4 project were accepted, based on the funds available for the call. Projects from Morocco, Ivory Coast, Madagascar and Niger were selected.