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Kingdom of Belgium
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From 17 to 19 juin 2024 the Belgian focal point for the CHM is organising a network meeting with 9 francophone African partner countries.

Participants will discuss:

  • the development of their national CHMs since 2022
  • COP15, SBSTTA 25 and 26 and SBI 4 decision that will have an impact on their

The update of the National Biodiversity Strategy aims to align Belgium’s goals with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030. It is a significant step towards enhancing our commitment to biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use

The political monitoring by the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity is carried out on a periodic basis, with the goal of informing about political processes related to biodiversity in Belgium and the EU: the Chamber, the Senate, the Walloon Parliament, the…
The political monitoring by the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity is carried out on a periodic basis, with the goal of informing about political processes related to biodiversity in Belgium and the EU: the Chamber, the Senate, the Walloon Parliament, the…

This event will bring together key players in the Belgian biodiversity scene, offering an engaging program centered around current trends with a special focus on Nature-based solutions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect and explore the dynamic landscape of biodiversity in Belgium.


The political monitoring by the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity is carried out on a periodic basis, with the goal of informing about political processes related to biodiversity in Belgium and the EU: the Chamber, the Senate, the Walloon Parliament, the…
Political Monitoring - 26 January 2024 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.23/01/2024 | Commission de l'Environnement et du Climat | Commissie voor Leefmilieu and Klimaat | Page 1 Question de Mr. Senesael à Mme Khattabi sur "L'autorisation de l'utilisation du glyphosate" Vraag van Mr. Senesael Mw. Khattabi over…
On March 25 and 26, 2024, the entire biodiversity informatics community of the Benelux will come to Naturalis Biodiversity Center, in Leiden. This year's theme is connecting research and policy, through effective use of biodiversity data.

In the context of a 2017 VLIR UOS project granted to the Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo," the project’s focus was on promoting collaborative and community-centred research within the rural areas of the Bolivian Andes. This involved adopting a holistic and participatory approach to

Political Monitoring - 30 November 2023 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.16/11/2023 | Séance Plénière | Plenumvergadering | Page 8 Question de Mme Laveleye à Mr Clarinval sur "Les pesticides contenant des PFAS" Vraag van Mv. Laveleye aan M. Clarinval over "PFAS in gewasbeschermingsmiddelen" Parlement de…