Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation (BINCO) is a non-profit organisation initiated by five dedicated biologists with a passion for nature and a desire to help preserve the remaining natural resources on this planet. Globally, biodiversity is under serious pressure due to the rapidly growing human population. Many areas and uncountable species are already lost forever. If we want to conserve current levels of biodiversity, an essential first step is to know what species of plants and animals are sharing this planet with us and how they are distributed.
Information about the biodiversity of certain areas, both nationally and internationally, is often surprisingly limited and in most cases restricted to some of the larger organisms. BINCO strives to help fill this gap in biodiversity knowledge and through the collection and dissemination of primary data contribute directly to the protection of selected areas and individual species.
Standardised biodiversity survey efforts are primarily directed to understudied or threatened regions with a high conservation value. Observations are presented in online reports with species inventory lists and recommendations towards the protection of the studied area. A stable man-nature relationship is essential to successfully tackle the biodiversity crisis and BINCO aims to increase this awareness.