Newsflash December 2020                                   NEWSFLASH                              December 2020
ADP1. Belgium signs agreement to fight against imported deforestation
On the occasion of the handing over of the signatures of the European campaign Together4Forests aiming at the adoption of European legislation for the protection of forests and other ecosystems, the Minister of Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal, Zakia Khattabi announced that Belgium becomes a member of the Amsterdam Declaration Partnership. An important commitment to fight against imported deforestation.

More information here.
2. Political Monitoring - Parliamentary Questions & Discussions
The political monitoring of the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity carries out research on biodiversity and ecosystem-related topics at the level of the different Belgian legislative institutions.

Note that this prese
nt edition contains all biodiversity-related Policy Orientation Statements from our federal Ministers and Secretary of state.

Please find the monitoring here.
Please find all our monitorings on
3. Re-watch the special virtual session for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-03 on biodiversity, One Health and COVID-19
These special sessions were convened with a view to maintain momentum towards COP15 and facilitate preparations for SSTTA 24 and SBI 3, which have been postponed to 2021.
It also allowed Parties and observers to gain further familiarity with the online platform and with the procedures for conducting meetings virtually.

The Belgian Statement is available here.
4. Three questions to Caroline Nieberding, biologist, researcher and Professor in Evolution, Biogeography and Molecular Ecology at the Earth and Life Institute at UCLouvainCN

1. What are concrete steps we could take to address the biodiversity crisis?

A major step at this stage, for the resolution of the biodiversity crisis, is to develop close collaborations between ecologists, who document the biodiversity crisis with robust estimators, and geographers, who document land use change, the main cause of the biodiversity crisis. This collaboration between ecologists and geographers would allow us to reorganise our land use, particularly in terms of sector plans in our regions, in order to bring about a strong political regulation of land urbanisation.

A second advantage of this type of collaboration would be to develop biodiversity restoration programmes within an explicit spatial framework, which would make it possible to restore biodiversity from nature reserves, where it has been confined for 50 years, to land used by human activities, which represents 75% of the land currently used. Conserving biodiversity only in nature reserves is indeed a challenge, as evidenced by the continual decline in the abundance of natural populations.

2. Did bodies like the Belgian National Focal Point to the CBD helped to overcome these difficulties, and how?

A great advantage of the CBD is that it provides scientific information of very high quality, which has been verified by a large community of scientific experts. It is this information and communication that enables a more comprehensive understanding of the problem. For example, for 20 years environmentalists have mainly tried to quantify the effects of global warming on the distribution and survival of species, whereas it is now clear that the main problem is not the climate, but land use, particularly industrial agriculture.

3. What are your hopes and wishes for the campaign Together for Biodiversity, in regard to the preparation of next COP15 in Kunming?

My wish is that the general population of our developed countries, especially in Belgium where the biodiversity crisis is beginning to be well communicated to citizens, will wake up and demand from our governments strong actions that protect our future for the coming decades. Failure to protect biodiversity at this stage could lead us to food shortages, rising food prices and growing health problems.

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