National CHM training for Liberia (2010)

Liberia is in the process of developing capacity related to the Conservation of Biological Diversity. It obtained a GEF Grant for the project "Capacity Needs Assessment for the Implementation of Liberia's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and Country Driven CHM Support". The Belgian CHM is a sub-contractor for IUCN-Europe office under this project for training and developing capacity for the implementation of the CHM in Liberia.

A taining took place from 4 - 8 February 2010 in the offices of UNDP in Monrovia. 4 persons, from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the University of Monrovia and UNDP, participated in the training. A follow-up training is foreseen in May/June 2010 depending on the activities by the trainees after the training. More information on the training and the results can be found on