Catherine Debruyne

Three questions to Catherine Debruyne, Service Public de Wallonie (SPW)
1.What is the Global Biodiversity Framework post-2020?
The framework must aim to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and achieve recovery by 2050
It is a set of 4 goals (A-D) and about 21 targets
GBF is divided into sections:
- Framing (background, purpose, relation with SDGs)
- Operational (Outcomes Oriented goals, 2030 Action-Oriented targets)
- Implementing (communication, implementation and support mechanism, education, awareness).
GBF needs to cover the 3 levels of biodiversity (species, ecosystems, genes) and the 3 objectives of the CBD. It also has to include all the main drivers of biodiversity loss.
Goal A is about conservation of the 3 dimensions of Biodiversity, Integrity of all ecosystems, the area of natural ecosystems, Connectivity, Rate and risk of extinction , Abundance and distribution of native species and Genetic diversity of wild and domesticated species.
Goal B is about sustainable use of biodiversity: nature's contribution to people, nature’s contributions to people and ecosystem service and the reduction of the ecological footprint
Goal C is about access and benefit sharing: fair and equitable monetary and non-monetary derivatives, DSI, and traditional knowledge.
Goal D is about resource mobilisation: society and government approach, closing the gap, finance, knowledge, and capacity.
2. Could you describe your role & work with regard to the preparation of COP-15 within the BE delegation?
Within the Belgian delegation for COP 15, I am the Belgian pilot on the GBF, thus I have to keep an eye on all the goals and targets, be sure we keep all the crucial elements in. Of course, the Belgian delegation has experts on specific issues, thus we work as a team.
3. What are the main challenges you foreseen for the adoption of the GBF ?
Keeping the level of ambition will be the main challenge, but we cannot let it go as we need it to give the necessary impetus for action at global, national and subnational levels. This framework will then need to be urgently implemented as we need to act now to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. This is crucial not only ethically, but also to ensure life on earth and that ecosystem services continue to allow human well-being.