Introduction and background
Article 18 of CBD requires the establishment of a Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) to promote and facilitate technical and scientific co-operation. Through the CHM, developing countries like Uganda gain access to data and technology from other countries. CBD Cop Decision IV/2 9(a) and (b) request Belgian Clearing House Mechanism to assist Contracting Parties for reinforcement of their national CHMs as well as the development of their National Focal Point. Uganda has not received any funding from Belgian Clearing House Mechanism for reinforcement of a national CHM. Indeed, there are several forums that have reiterated the fact that Uganda’s CHM should strengthened soon. In particular this has been requested by all national stakeholder institutions hosting biodiversity data whenever there is an opportunity to interact with the national focal point institution National Environment Management Authority.
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), on behalf of the Government of Uganda, is executing a 1-year project funded by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences supported project called “Strengthening the Uganda National Clearing House Mechanism” The development goal of the project is to help achieve sustainable development by bringing biodiversity information to the heart Government decision making, using actionable biodiversity information.
The objective of the is to assist in strengthening the collaboration among the partner institution providing biodiversity information to national CHM, establish information flow mechanism to and from the stakeholders, and determine special needs for stakeholders who are not able to use electronic information such as indigenous peoples and local communities. To ensure effective and efficient delivery of project outputs and outcomes, a protect Implementation team was established to manage delivery of project activities and outputs. The PIT comprises of the :
- Senior Information technology Officer
- E-Database Administrator
- Manager Biodiversity and Rangelands
A group of technical experts was constituted to support the project in the implementation of project activities. There experts were from partner institutions including National forestry Authority, Uganda Biodiversity Data Bank, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, Uganda national Research Organization, Uganda Wild life Authority, nature Uganda, World Conservation Society, National Planning Authority, Ministry of Water and Environment, Ministry of World Life, Makerere university
Objective of the project
This project assisted in strengthening the collaboration among the partner institution providing biodiversity information to national CHM, established information flow mechanism to and from the stakeholders, and determined special needs for stakeholders who were not able to use electronic information such as indigenous peoples and local communities.
Specific Objectives
- Integration of Geo-spatial biodiversity information on the national CHM
- Strengthen the Uganda National CHM
- Establish a committee for Database mangers working on biodiversity information
- Enhance collaboration amongst institutions and their personnel