First steps towards integrated use of environmental data - FAIR-EASE webinar
In a world where all societal and scientific challenges are intertwined, it is urgent to launch multidisciplinary initiatives and projects so that scientists from different domains can collaborate. In order to carry out multidisciplinary projects, it becomes essential to develop gateways between metadata standards that will allow the matching of data representations designed for different domains. The opening of these gateways is therefore necessary for developing services across the disciplines, which is the focus of the FAIR-EASE project.
In this dedicated online webinar on 6 April 2023, 13:00-14:00 CET, FAIR-EASE will present the distributed and integrated services for observation and modelling of the Earth system, environment and biodiversity being developed in close cooperation with user-communities, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and research infrastructures in their design and sustainable availability.
The meeting has the purpose to involve external communities, share our vision and objectives and receive feedback.
Who should attend and why?
Anyone who is interested in Earth systems or environmental data and easily accessing them and integrating them across domains should attend, but most especially:
- Research and academia representatives who are interested in discovering the potential outcomes of integrating multidisciplinary data in their research;
- Policy makers at the European, national and even local levels that seek integrated cross-domain data to support decision-making;
- EOSC Ecosystem members who want to know more about how FAIR-EASE fits into EOSC’s FAIR data and services
- Earth and environmental data providers that want to see how to promote further use of their data
- General public with an interest in earth systems and environmental data
- 13:00 - 13:05: Welcome - TBC
- 13:05 - 13:10: Introducing FAIR-EASE - Alessandro Rizzo (IRD/DATA-TERRA)
- 13:10 - 13:20: The Mythical Data Lake - Marc Portier (VLIZ)
- 13:20 - 13:40: Use Cases and domains - Maria Luisa Chiusano (University of Naples Federico II)
- 13:40 - 13:50: Environmental Data Infrastructure Services - TBC
- 13:50 - 14:00: Q&A, Wrap-up & closure
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