A regional CHM training has been organised in Rabat, Morocco in 2007 for three countries from Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) that have a partnership with the Belgian CHM.
The training took place from 5 to 16 March 2007.
Instead of an official report of the training, the information on this part of the web (only available in French) is organised in such a way that one can use it as a report. Material useful for the continuous work by the participants can be found in a special section of this web.
Photo-archive of the training course for the participants can be found here!
Aichi targets
19. Knowledge improved, shared and applied
formchm-rabat-ptk.pdf759.96 KB
biodiversite-chm-algerie.pdf1.07 MB
chm_tunisie.pdf268.81 KB
formchm-rabat-chmgoals.pdf993.54 KB
formchm-rabat-gestioncontenu.pdf347.23 KB
miseenoeuver-cbd-maroc.pdf944.79 KB
programme.zip7.9 KB