Communication, education and public awareness
An important task of the National Focal Point is to inform, and raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity and to stimulate actions supporting the conservation of biodiversity. We do this by various means. A few examples of actions are as follows:
Publish And Disseminate Brochures and Publications
366 gestes pour la biodiversité |
La biodiversité en Belgique : un aperçu Biodiversiteit in België: een overzicht |
Biodiversity in Belgium | ![]()
The brochures can be simply ordered by emailing or (free of charge).
Develop Campaigns And Websites On Biodiversity And Bees | #ensemblepourlabiodiversité | @TfBiodiversity | @ensemblebio | #samenvoorbiodiversiteit | @TfBiodiversity | @samenbiodiv
Nos abeilles sauvages estivales | ![]()
Older campaigns