Objective of the project
This project will assist in reinforcement the collaboration among the partner institution providing biodiversity information to national CHM, establish information flow mechanism to and from the stakeholders, and determine special needs for stakeholders who are not able to use electronic information such as indigenous peoples and local communities.
Specific Objectives
- Integration of Oil and Gas information platforms into CHM to increase on the visibility of CHM in Uganda
- Implementation of sharing and dissemination of CHM generated reports among stakeholders with interest in youth, women, men, disabled and elderly. This objectives is linked to activity 1.2 and 2.1 where stakeholders shall be trained on upload ,publishing and dissemination of biodiversity information onto the national CHM
- Strengthen the committee for Database mangers working on biodiversity information. During the selection of data mangers gender will be critical
- Enhance collaboration amongst institutions and their personnel. This will involve providing regular updates to relevant institutions collecting, storing and disseminating biodiversity data and information to all categories of the public (women men, youth, disabled and the elderly)
Aichi targets
19. Knowledge improved, shared and applied