Egbert Jacquemyn
Three questions to Egbert Jacquemyn, Project Officer Nagoya at Flemish Region
1. What are the opportunities and threats in your daily work?
As the Flemish Competent Authority for the Nagoya Protocol we’re still in the phase of a roll out of the basics of the ABS-legislation. This also means that the elements that haven’t been decided upon are still open for discussion and are influenceable (towards our own policies). This calls for an active participation in divers fora and structured consultations with various actors and target groups. The differences in the regional roll-out is as well a challenge as well as it offers inspiration and guidance.
2. Did bodies like the Belgian National Focal Point to the CBD, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform and/or the Steering Groups Nature/Biodiversity helped to overcome these difficulties, and how?
We are grateful for the growing engagement in divers CBD-related themes initiated by the Belgian National Focal Point to the CBD. The NFP has led us all through thorough coordination through a dense process of reporting, information sharing, networking and exchanges of expertise. The Belgian Biodiversity Platform as well as the steering groups act as a network of thematic experts within and outside the federal or regional administrations. This has strengthened the exchange of knowledge and many contributions have led to a (even more scientific) underpinning of positions.
3. What are your wishes for biodiversity science-policy interfacing for the future, in the run-up to COP15 in Kunming?
In the aftermath of the Corona-crisis it has become clear that the growing human impact on ecosystems and wild species, combined with the impact of global climate change, leads to the weakening of natural ecosystems and facilitates the spread of pathogens. Nature conservation and the restoration of damaged habitats are thus essential tools for preserving our health and well-being. Biodiversity science-policy should thus reflect the value of biodiversity and emphasize the benefits of nature. Nature conservation goes beyond regions and borders; A very loud call should go towards the effective mainstreaming of biodiversity.