IUCN Webinar Series: The last sprint to CBD COP15
IUCN’s International Policy Centre’s series of webinars will present key priorities for the post-2020 framework, unpack certain elements in the current Goals and Targets, emphasising their scientific underpinnings, and provide a space for discussion among negotiators, experts and key stakeholders.
October 4 |
How to achieve Species Goals and Targets of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework IUCN will explain the species components of Goal A, and Targets 4, 5, 6 (and 9). Experts will also present how the Global Species Action Plan and a new Species Programme of Work under the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework could support the implementation of the Framework. Register here for the morning session Register here for the afternoon session
October 20 |
Nature-based Solutions in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Why is it important that Nature-based solutions are reflected in the Global Biodiversity Framework? Comparing NbS definitions, identifying linkages with Targets 8, 10 & 11, and addressing concerns. |
October 27 |
Resource mobilization for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework How will we fund the implementation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework? Explore the existing and possible new mechanisms to understand different options to solve this critical issue. Register here for the morning session Register here for the afternoon session
November 1 |
Ecosystem Restoration in the Post 2020-Global Biodiversity Framework What are the bottlenecks for the adoption of an ambitious Target 2? What are the key issues negotiators are discussing on and how can science help? Are some of the questions that will be answered during this session. Register here for the morning session Register here for the afternoon session
November 7 |
30 x 30 - What and who counts? While there seems to be some agreement on 30x30, it is less clear what that entails from a practical point of view. We will hear from IUCN’s Protected and Conserved Areas Unit and the World Commission on Protected Areas as they clarify what counts and who counts for effective protected and conserved areas. Register here for the morning session Register here for the afternoon session
February 2023: Closing session |
Post-COP15 What now? Next steps IUCN’s support for implementation – Nature 2030.
For more information on the Webinar Series, please visit: IUCN Webinar Series: The last sprint to CBD COP15 - events | IUCN.